Channel: Official Steven Furtick
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: destinysteven furtick sermonsstrengthyou must be importantsermons about valuepreaching2018 sermonsself-worthprioritiesvulnerablepastor steven furtickyoutube shortspreacherchurch onlinesteven furtick savage jesuspowersermons about struggleshortssteven furtickvaluestrugglesavage jesuselevation churchsurvive the stormimportanttestimonysermonsprotect what’s valuablespiritual warfareelevation church sermonsmiraclesvaluableconflict
Description: If this season has been really difficult, it might be a sign that something really important is happening in your life. This is an excerpt from "You Must Be Important." To watch the full message, click here: #shorts #elevationchurch #stevenfurtick #2021sermon #youtubeshorts #whyitsbeensohard #process #strength #generationalcurses #savagejesus #onlinechurch #churchonline Why It's Been So Hard #Shorts | Steven Furtick